Web Services



PresQT Supported Hash Algorithms

The following is a master list of hash algorithms that are both supported by a target and supported by Python’s HashLib library:

  • sha256

  • md5

Each individual target’s supported hash algorithms can be found in presqt/specs/targets.json

Resource Download Fixity

Fixity is checked during Resource Download by comparing the file hashes provided by the source target with hashes that are generated after files are downloaded on to the server. If the provided hash and the calculated hash match then fixity passes!

The download function will try and find a matching hash algorithm between the source target supported algorithms and algorithms supported by the Python Hashlib library to use when generating hashes for files downloaded to the server. If no hash algorithms match or if the source target does not provide file hashes then md5 is uses as a default. It also counts this situation as fixity passing since we didn’t know what the original hash was.

Valid Hashes Provided + Fixity Passes Example:

    "sha256": "343e249fdb0818a58edcc64663e1eb116843b4e1c4e74790ff331628593c02be",
    "md5": "a4536efb47b26eaf509edfdaca442037"

will yield

    "hash_algorithm": "sha256",
    "given_hash": "343e249fdb0818a58edcc64663e1eb116843b4e1c4e74790ff331628593c02be",
    "calculated_hash": "343e249fdb0818a58edcc64663e1eb116843b4e1c4e74790ff331628593c02be",
    "fixity": true

Valid Hashes Provided + Fixity Fails Example:

    "sha256": "343e249fdb0818a58edcc64663e1eb116843b4e1c4e74790ff331628593c02be",
    "md5": "a4536efb47b26eaf509edfdaca442037"

will yield

    "hash_algorithm": "sha256",
    "given_hash": "343e249fdb0818a58edcc64663e1eb116843b4e1c4e74790ff331628593c02be",
    "calculated_hash": "12345678",
    "fixity": false

Blank Hashes Provided Example:

    "sha256": null,
    "md5": null

will yield

    "hash_algorithm": "md5",
    "given_hash": null,
    "calculated_hash": "343e249fdb0818a58edcc64663e1eb116843b4e1c4e74790ff331628593c02be",
    "fixity": true

Unknown Hashes Provided Example:

    "unknown_hasher": "12345",
    "special_hasher": "1234567"

will yield

    "hash_algorithm": "md5",
    "given_hash": null,
    "calculated_hash": "343e249fdb0818a58edcc64663e1eb116843b4e1c4e74790ff331628593c02be",
    "fixity": true

Resource Upload Fixity

During the resource upload process, fixity is checked in two locations. First, when files are saved to the disk from the request. Second, after files are uploaded to the target.


Image 1: Where in the upload process fixity is checked

Fixity Check 1

Resources must be included in the POST request in BagIt format as a zip file. After unzipping the file and saving it to the server we validate the bag using BagIt’s built in validator. If any files saved don’t match the manifest originally given then the fixity has failed and the server will return an error.

Generate New Hashes If Necessary

We now know that the currently saved files are the same as what the user sent forward. Before uploading resources to the target we will make sure that there is a dictionary of hashes available generated by a hash algorithm supported by the target. If the target supports a hash algorithm provided by the resource’s ‘bag’ then we will simply use those. If not, then we need to generate new hashes based on a target supported hash algorithm.

Fixity Check 2

After resources are uploaded to the target, we compare the resources’ hashes brought back from the target to the hashes we captured before. If any hashes don’t match then fixity fails. Since the resources have already been uploaded we simply capture which resources’ fixity fails and pass that along the response payload along with the message, ‘Upload successful but fixity failed’.

Resource Transfer Fixity

Since the Transfer endpoint takes advantage of the Download and Upload endpoints, fixity is checked using all methods already existing in those endpoints.

File Transfer Service (FTS) Metadata

PresQT keeps track of file history of resources being updated by PresQT by passing along an FTS Metadata file with each PresQT action. The file is titled PRESQT_FTS_METADATA.json. Every time PresQT takes action on a resource, the source details about the files moved are written to the metadata file.

Definition of PresQT FTS Metadata fields:



All Keywords added to this resource via PresQT.



Array of PresQT actions that have taken place on the this project



ID of the PresQT action (uuid4). Created at the time metadata is written



Date and time that the action took place



Type of action (Download, Upload, Transfer)



Name of the source target the action is taking place on



Requesting user’s source target username



Name of the destination target the action is taking place on



Requesting user’s destination target username



Keyword enhancements that took place during this action

* Fields found in this dictionaries



The source keywords added during this action

This includes keywords in the target keywords found in FTS metadata file



The new keyword enhancements added to the target



Ontologies connected to the enhanced keywords added.



The enhancement service used to enhance the keywords



Array of files that were involved in the PresQT action



Path of the file at the source target



Object that contains the file hashes at the source target



Title of the file at the source target



Object that contains all extra metadata we can retrieve from the source target



Array containing dictionaries of info on files that failed fixity check

** Fields found in this dictionaries



PresQT generated hash of the file



Hash Algorithm used for the newGeneratedHash



Reason fixity failed for the file



Path of the file at the destination target



Object that contains the file hashes at the destination target

Example of PresQT FTS Metadata generated by a transfer of a project from GitHub to OSF:

    "allKeywords": ["cat", "dog", "feline", "doggo", "pupper"],
    "actions": [
            "id": "bc5a48dc-d1f9-46bd-9137-48fe4843df77",
            "actionDateTime": "2019-11-12 15:45:45.309566+00:00",
            "actionType": "resource_transfer_in",
            "sourceTargetName": "github",
            "sourceUsername": "github_username",
            "destinationTargetName": "osf",
            "destinationUsername": "osf_username",
            "keywords": {
                "sourceKeywordsAdded": ["cat", "dog"],
                "sourceKeywordsEnhanced": ["feline", "doggo", "pupper"],
                "ontologies": [
                        "keywords": [
                        "ontology": "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CHEBI_153377",
                        "ontology_id": "CHEBI_153377",
                        "categories": [
                        "keywords": [
                        "ontology": "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CHEBI_153377",
                        "ontology_id": "CHEBI_153377",
                        "categories": [
                "enhancer": "scigraph"
            "files": {
                "created": [
                        "destinationPath": "NewProject/osfstorage/funnyfunnyimages/Screen_Shot.png",
                        "destinationHashes": {
                            "md5": "3505a89c3cbb82873a107ae41f3997c3"
                        "failedFixityInfo": [
                                "NewGeneratedHash": "3505a89c3cbb82873a107ae41f3997c3",
                                "algorithmUsed": "md5",
                                "reasonFixityFailed": "Either a Source Hash was not provided or the source hash algorithm is not supported."
                        "title": "Screen_Shot.png",
                        "sourceHashes": {},
                        "sourcePath": "/NewProject/funnyfunnyimages/Screen_Shot.png",
                        "extra": {
                            "commit_hash": "211ef8db83612802aeea151a0e04badfe287bcb9",
                            "size": 731202,
                            "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/presqt-test-user/NewProject/contents/funnyfunnyimages/Screen_Shot.png?ref=master",
                            "html_url": "https://github.com/presqt-test-user/NewProject/blob/master/funnyfunnyimages/Screen_Shot.png",
                            "git_url": "https://api.github.com/repos/presqt-test-user/NewProject/git/blobs/211ef8db83612802aeea151a0e04badfe287bcb9",
                            "download_url": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/presqt-test-user/NewProject/master/funnyfunnyimages/Screen_Shot.png",
                            "type": "file",
                            "_links": {
                                "self": "https://api.github.com/repos/presqt-test-user/NewProject/contents/funnyfunnyimages/Screen_Shot.png?ref=master",
                                "git": "https://api.github.com/repos/presqt-test-user/NewProject/git/blobs/211ef8db83612802aeea151a0e04badfe287bcb9",
                                "html": "https://github.com/presqt-test-user/NewProject/blob/master/funnyfunnyimages/Screen_Shot.png"
                "updated": [],
                "ignored": []

Now if we download from OSF the same project that was just transferred, then PresQT FTS Metadata would be:

    "allKeywords": ["cat", "dog", "feline", "doggo", "pupper"],
    "actions": [
            "id": "bc5a48dc-d1f9-46bd-9137-48fe4843df77",
            "actionDateTime": "2019-11-12 15:45:45.309566+00:00",
            "actionType": "resource_transfer_in",
            "sourceTargetName": "github",
            "sourceUsername": "github_username",
            "destinationTargetName": "osf",
            "destinationUsername": "osf_username",
            "keywords": {
                "sourceKeywordsAdded": ["cat", "dog"],
                "sourceKeywordsEnhanced": ["feline", "doggo"],
                "ontologies": [
                        "keywords": [
                        "ontology": "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CHEBI_153377",
                        "ontology_id": "CHEBI_153377",
                        "categories": [
                        "keywords": [
                        "ontology": "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CHEBI_153377",
                        "ontology_id": "CHEBI_153377",
                        "categories": [
                "enhancer": "scigraph"
            "files": {
                "created": [
                        "destinationPath": "NewProject/osfstorage/funnyfunnyimages/Screen_Shot.png",
                        "destinationHashes": {
                            "md5": "3505a89c3cbb82873a107ae41f3997c3"
                        "failedFixityInfo": [
                                "NewGeneratedHash": "3505a89c3cbb82873a107ae41f3997c3",
                                "algorithmUsed": "md5",
                                "reasonFixityFailed": "Either a Source Hash was not provided or the source hash algorithm is not supported."
                        "title": "Screen_Shot.png",
                        "sourceHashes": {},
                        "sourcePath": "/NewProject/funnyfunnyimages/Screen_Shot",
                        "extra": {
                            "commit_hash": "211ef8db83612802aeea151a0e04badfe287bcb9",
                            "size": 731202,
                            "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/presqt-test-user/NewProject/contents/funnyfunnyimages/Screen_Shot.png?ref=master",
                            "html_url": "https://github.com/presqt-test-user/NewProject/blob/master/funnyfunnyimages/Screen_Shot.png",
                            "git_url": "https://api.github.com/repos/presqt-test-user/NewProject/git/blobs/211ef8db83612802aeea151a0e04badfe287bcb9",
                            "download_url": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/presqt-test-user/NewProject/master/funnyfunnyimages/Screen_Shot.png",
                            "type": "file",
                            "_links": {
                                "self": "https://api.github.com/repos/presqt-test-user/NewProject/contents/funnyfunnyimages/Screen_Shot.png?ref=master",
                                "git": "https://api.github.com/repos/presqt-test-user/NewProject/git/blobs/211ef8db83612802aeea151a0e04badfe287bcb9",
                                "html": "https://github.com/presqt-test-user/NewProject/blob/master/funnyfunnyimages/Screen_Shot.png"
                "updated": [],
                "ignored": []
            "id": "bc5a48dc-d1f9-46bd-9137-48fe4843df77",
            "actionDateTime": "2019-11-12 15:45:45.309566+00:00",
            "actionType": "resource_download",
            "sourceTargetName": "osf",
            "sourceUsername": "osf_username",
            "destinationTargetName": "Local Machine",
            "destinationUsername": null,
            "keywords": {},
            "files": {
                "created": [
                        "destinationPath": "/NewProject/osfstorage/funnyfunnyimages/Screen_Shot.png",
                        "destinationHashes": {},
                        "failedFixityInfo": [],
                        "title": "Screen_Shot.png",
                        "sourceHashes": {
                            "sha256": "6d33275234b28d77348e4e1049f58b95a485a7a441684a9eb9175d01c7f141ea",
                            "md5": "3505a89c3cbb82873a107ae41f3997c3"
                        "sourcePath": "/NewProject/osfstorage/funnyfunnyimages/Screen_Shot.png",
                        "extra": {
                            "id": "5dcc215848a1d9000cd0a3fb",
                            "parent_project_id": "2bw9j",
                            "endpoint": "https://api.osf.io/v2/files/5dcc215848a1d9000cd0a3fb/",
                            "download_url": "https://files.osf.io/v2/resources/2bw9j/providers/osfstorage/5dcc215848a1d9000cd0a3fb",
                            "upload_url": "https://files.osf.io/v2/resources/2bw9j/providers/osfstorage/5dcc215848a1d9000cd0a3fb",
                            "delete_url": "https://files.osf.io/v2/resources/2bw9j/providers/osfstorage/5dcc215848a1d9000cd0a3fb",
                            "last_touched": null,
                            "date_modified": "2019-11-13T15:29:29.043502Z",
                            "current_version": 1,
                            "date_created": "2019-11-13T15:29:29.043502Z",
                            "provider": "osfstorage",
                            "path": "/5dcc215848a1d9000cd0a3fb",
                            "current_user_can_comment": true,
                            "guid": null,
                            "checkout": null,
                            "tags": [],
                            "size": 731202
                "updated": [],
                "ignored": []

Metadata Location When Downloading

The PresQT FTS Metadata file will be written to the highest level possible of the resource being downloaded.

Metadata Location When Uploading or Transferring

The PresQT FTS Metadata file will be written to the highest level possible of the destination project. Since this possible level may vary for any target, we leave it up to the target to handle this when they integrate with Upload.

Existing Metadata

If a valid PresQT FTS Metadata file is found at the top level of the resource being affected by the action then we will add a new action to this existing metadata file.

If an invalid PresQT FTS Metadata file is found at the top level of the resource being affected by the action then we will rename the invalid metadata file to INVALID_PRESQT_FTS_METADATA.json and then we will create a new valid metadata file with the current actions metadata.

Keyword Assignment

Keyword Enhancers

Keyword Difference Between Targets

Each target holds keywords in different attributes. Some may have keywords in multiple attributes. The following table outlines the keyword attributes for each target.


Keyword Attributes






[Tag List]







Keyword Assignment During Transfer

When transferring a resource you have the option of either manual or automatic keyword enhancement. Manual enhancement will only add source keywords and the keywords provided in the request body. Automatic will add all enhancements including any provided in the request body. These can be set by setting presqt-keyword-action in the headers to either manual or automatic

Manual Keywords

If presqt-keyword-action is manual then PresQT will only add keywords found in the source target and keywords given in the body of the request. This means you need to get the possible enhancements before initiating a transfer.

Automatic Keywords

If presqt-keyword-action is automatic then PresQT will add keywords found in the source, keywords given in the request body, and any keyword enhancements found during the transfer process. The following steps occur during the transfer in this case:

  1. Fetch all source keywords both in the target and in the FTS metadata file for the transferred resource.

  2. Get enhancements with the given enhancer (Defaults to SciGraph for now).

  3. Upload keyword enhancements to the Source Target and Destination Target.

  4. Add the keyword enhancements to the FTS Metadata file that gets written to the Destination Target during the transfer.

  5. Add the keyword enhancements to the FTS Metadata file that gets written to the Source Target during the transfer.


Image 2: Lifecycle of Keyword Enhancement during a transfer


Image 3: Practical Example of Keyword Enhancement during a transfer

Keyword Assignment Service Endpoint

Keyword Enhancement can be done without transferring.

  1. Use the Keyword Enhancement GET endpoint to fetch the keywords from the resource.

  2. Pass the keywords you want to enhance to the Keyword Enhancement POST endpoint.

  3. Enhanced keywords will get uploaded to the target and a new action will get written to the FTS metadata file.


Image 4: Lifecycle of a Keyword Enhancement Service


Image 5: Practical Example of a Keywords Enhancement Service

Preservation Quality