Developer Notes


A high code coverage percentage has been maintained with unit and integration tests for all code using a package called Coverage ( to track code coverage.

To run unit tests without using Coverage:

$ python test

To run unit tests using Coverage with comprehensive code coverage report generated into an HTML file:

coverage run test && coverage combine && coverage html


This command will generate a directory that is ignored by Git via our .gitignore file. To see the code coverage open the file /coverage_html/index.html in a browser.


Coverage options are specified in a configuration file called .coveragerc. This is where you would add files/directories you want to omit from the Coverage report.


‘coverage combine’ will take the coverage files created for multiprocesses (located in the base directory) and will combine them with the main coverage files . If a test using multiprocessing fails these coverage files will remain and must be deleted manually.

We also tried to split unit and integration tests up between core PresQT code and Target code. Tests that cover core code reside in presqt/api_v1/tests/ while target tests that cover target functions reside in presqt/targets/{target_name}/tests/ .


All tests require their corresponding target tokens to be stored as environment variables since these tokens can not be stored publicly. Contact an administrator for access to these.

Docker Commands

To rebuild the docker container after a new package has been added to the requirements files:

$ docker-compose up --build

Run the following command for an interactive -i terminal -t for this container:

$ docker exec -i -t presqt_presqt_django_1 /bin/ash

Updating Documentation

As the project grows we encourage developers to add documentation. PresQT documentation is built using Sphinx and ReadtheDocs.

When documentation is added you should just need to run while in the /docs directory:

$ make clean
$ make html

Otherwise reference Sphinx documentation for more information on adding documentation,

GitHub Differences

There is a slight difference in how we have implemented GitHub as opposed to other partners. Due to the way GitHub’s API handles files, there is no way for us to hit an endpoint with a given id. The only way to navigate to a files endpoint is to know the associated GitHub username and repository title. We have decided to make our own unique id’s for these items by combining the repo_id and the path to the file/dir.

Example of an id:


We then translate this into two get requests. The first one will be to the repo id.


From this, we can get a contents url that we can translate into a request.


Using this custom generated id, we can hit this endpoint on PresQT to get file details.